
Biochemistry aims to train medical students to acquire the knowledge to deeply understand the precision of cellular events and prepares them to apply this in relevance to clinical medicine. A sound knowledge of biochemistry is a prerequisite to make the medical curriculum holistic and provide a sustainable foundation for a successful medical career.

Biochemistry being a preclinical subject has to train the medical students by providing a platform to understand the chemical structure and changes that drives the life. Knowledge of biochemistry is essential for understanding the maintenance of health, causes and the rationale for treatment of many diseases.

The scope of Biochemistry is vast and provides a strong foundation for research in all branches of medical science. It provides a basis to study various basic functions of the body and hence is a necessity to understand the physiology of the various systems of a human body.

Modern day medical practice is highly dependent on laboratory analysis of body fluids especially the blood. The manifestations of various diseases are also closely monitored and reviewed with various biochemical findings. Biochemistry prepares a medical graduate in understanding the basis of the judicious use of various biochemical investigations and to realize that it is an integral component of diagnosis and monitoring of treatment. Thus Biochemistry study is inevitable to draw a significant margin or demarcate the abnormal from normal constituents of the body.

Thus Biochemistry, today is regarded as the most rapidly developing discipline of medicine.

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