Adding AMP support to your ColorMag theme.
Here are the steps you can follow:
Install and activate the “AMP” plugin on your WordPress website. This plugin will create AMP versions of your website’s pages and posts.
Install and activate the “AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages” plugin on your WordPress website. This plugin provides advanced AMP functionality, such as support for Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and more.
Once the “AMP for WP” plugin is activated, go to its settings page and configure the plugin according to your needs. You can customize the AMP design, enable or disable various AMP features, and more.
Next, you’ll need to add support for AMP to your Colormag theme. You can do this by creating a child theme and adding the necessary code to it. Here’s how you can create a child theme:
a. Create a new folder in your WordPress “wp-content/themes” directory, and name it something like “colormag-child”.
b. Create a new file in this folder, and name it “style.css”.
Theme Name: Colormag Child
Template: colormag
c. Add the following code to the “style.css” file:
This code tells WordPress that your new child theme is based on the “colormag” theme.
d. Create a new file in the “colormag-child” folder, and name it “functions.php”.
e. Add the following code to the “functions.php” file:
add_action( 'amp_init', 'colormag_amp_support' );
function colormag_amp_support() {
add_theme_support( 'amp', array( 'engine' => 'ampforwp' ) );
This code adds support for AMP to your Colormag theme.
Save the “style.css” and “functions.php” files, and upload them to your “colormag-child” folder on your server.
Finally, go to the “Appearance” -> “Themes” page in your WordPress dashboard, and activate the “Colormag Child” theme.
That’s it! Your Colormag theme now supports AMP. You can check this by adding “/amp” to the end of any page or post URL on your website.