Free download Atkins’ Physical Chemistry (8th Edition) in pdf. written by Peter Atkins (Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford and fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford) and Julio De Paula (Professor and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon) and published by Oxford University Press in 2006.
Table of contents of Atkins Physical Chemistry (8th Edition)
Part 1: Equilibria
- The properties of gases
- The first law
- The second law
- Physical transformation of pure substances
- Simple mixtures
- Phase diagrams
- Chemical Equilibrium
Part 2: Structure
- Quantum theory: introduction and principles
- Quantum theory: techniques and applications
- Atomic structure and atomic spectra
- Molecular structure
- Molecular symmetry
- Molecular spectroscopy 1: rotational and vibrational spectra
- Molecular spectroscopy 2: electronic transitions
- Molecular spectroscopy 3: magnetic resonance
- Statistical thermodynamics 1: the concepts
- Statistical thermodynamics 2: applications
- Molecular interactions
- Materials 1: macromolecules and aggregates
- Materials 2: the solid state
Part 3: Change
- Molecules in motion
- The rates of chemical reactions
- The kinetics of complex reactions
- Molecular reaction dynamics
- Processes at solid surfaces
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