Chandrayaan-3: A Closer Look at the Spectacular Ejecta Halo

Researchers doing work in laboratory


On August 23, 2023, history was made as the Chandrayaan-3 Lander Module gracefully descended onto the lunar surface. What followed was nothing short of spectacular – a mesmerizing ‘ejecta halo’ of lunar material that has left scientists at NRSC/ISRO in awe. In this blog post, we delve into the groundbreaking results of this lunar mission and explore the fascinating insights provided by the study conducted by Singh, S., Chauhan, P., Roy, P. et al.

The Ejecta Halo Phenomenon:

The Chandrayaan-3 Lander Module didn’t just touch down on the lunar surface; it created a visual masterpiece in the form of an ‘ejecta halo.’ This phenomenon, captured by OHRC imagery, showcases the dispersion of approximately 2.06 tonnes of lunar epiregolith. The ejected material covers a remarkable area of 108.4 m² around the landing site, leaving scientists eager to unlock the secrets hidden within.

Scientific Insights:

The study conducted by Singh, S., Chauhan, P., Roy, P. et al., titled “Characterisation of Ejecta Halo on the Lunar Surface Around Chandrayaan-3 Vikram Lander Using OHRC Imagery,” provides invaluable insights into the nature of the lunar surface and the impact of the Chandrayaan-3 mission.

The OHRC Imagery Advantage:

The Optical High-Resolution Camera (OHRC) played a pivotal role in capturing detailed images of the ejecta halo. This advanced imaging technology allowed scientists to conduct a thorough characterization of the lunar surface and gain a deeper understanding of the composition and distribution of the ejected material.

Implications for Lunar Exploration:

The Chandrayaan-3 results hold significant implications for future lunar missions and our understanding of the lunar environment. The data gathered from this mission contributes to the growing body of knowledge that will shape the direction of space exploration in the coming years.


As we stand on the precipice of a new era in lunar exploration, the Chandrayaan-3 mission has provided us with a glimpse into the dynamic and awe-inspiring nature of the moon. The ‘ejecta halo’ phenomenon, meticulously studied by Singh, S., Chauhan, P., Roy, P. et al., opens doors to further scientific inquiry and fuels our curiosity about the mysteries that lie beyond Earth. The journey to unravel the secrets of the lunar surface continues, and Chandrayaan-3 has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the cosmic canvas.

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