CPCB Scientist B Exam Pattern, Most Asked MCQs

CPCB Scientist B Exam Pattern

The CPCB Scientist B exam is a computer-based test (CBT) that is conducted by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to recruit candidates for the post of Scientist B in various disciplines such as Chemistry, Microbiology, and Environmental Science. The exam consists of two parts: Part I and Part II.

Part I of the exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) that are divided into four sections: General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language and Comprehension. Each section consists of 25 questions, and the total marks for this part are 100. The duration of Part I is 90 minutes.

Part II of the exam consists of 120 MCQs that are related to the specific discipline for which the candidate has applied. The duration of Part II is 120 minutes, and the total marks for this part are 300.

The total duration of the exam is 210 minutes, and the total marks for the exam are 400. The exam is conducted in English only, and there is a negative marking of one-third of the marks assigned to a question for each incorrect answer.

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Most Asked MCQs

1. Which of the following air pollutants is responsible for the formation of acid rain?
a. Carbon monoxide
b. Nitrogen dioxide
c. Sulfur dioxide
d. Ozone

2. What is the primary source of indoor air pollution in homes?
a. Outdoor air pollution
b. Tobacco smoke
c. Cooking fumes
d. Pet dander

3. The Bhopal Gas Tragedy of 1984 was caused by a leak from which of the following industries?
a. Textile
b. Chemical
c. Petroleum
d. Steel

4. Which of the following pollutants is primarily responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer?
a. Sulfur dioxide
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
d. Nitrogen oxides

5. Which of the following is a commonly used method for treating industrial wastewater?
a. Reverse osmosis
b. Activated sludge process
c. Chemical precipitation
d. Biological oxidation

6. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) was established in which year?
a. 2005
b. 2010
c. 2015
d. 2020

7. Which of the following is an example of non-biodegradable waste?
a. Food waste
b. Paper waste
c. Plastic waste
d. Garden waste

8. The Indian government’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan campaign aims to achieve which of the following objectives?
a. Encouraging sustainable tourism
b. Improving access to healthcare
c. Promoting cleanliness and hygiene
d. Reducing poverty and inequality

9. The Air Quality Index (AQI) measures the concentration of which of the following pollutants in the air?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Nitrogen dioxide
c. Ozone
d. All of the above

10. The Solid Waste Management Rules were first introduced in which year?
a. 2000
b. 2005
c. 2010
d. 2016

11. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas that is produced by agricultural activities such as livestock farming?
a. Methane
b. Carbon monoxide
c. Sulfur dioxide
d. Nitrogen oxides

12. Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?
a. Coal
b. Natural gas
c. Wind
d. Petroleum

13. The World Health Organization (WHO) has established guidelines for the safe level of which of the following air pollutants?
a. Carbon monoxide
b. Sulfur dioxide
c. Nitrogen dioxide
d. Particulate matter

14. The National River Conservation Plan was launched in which year?
a. 1985
b. 1995
c. 2005
d. 2015

15. The Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control) Rules were first introduced in which year?
a. 1995
b. 2000
c. 2005
d. 2010

16. Which of the following is a commonly used method for controlling water pollution?
a. Activated carbon filtration
b. Chlorination
c. Sedimentation
d. Biological treatment

17. Which of the following pollutants is responsible for the phenomenon known as “smog”?
a. Sulfur dioxide
b. Carbon monoxide
c. Nitrogen oxides
d. Ozone

18. The National Clean Energy Fund was established in which year?
a. 2009
b. 2012
c. 2015
d. 2018

19. The Wildlife Protection Act was first introduced in which year?
a. 1965
b. 1972
c. 1985
d. 1995

20. Which of the following is a commonly used method for controlling noise pollution?
a. Constructing sound barriers
b. Planting trees
c. Installing mufflers
d. All of the above

21. The Forest Conservation Act was enacted in which year?
a. 1980
b. 1990
c. 2000
d. 2010

22. The Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) plan was introduced in which year?
a. 1995
b. 2000
c. 2005
d. 2010

23. Which of the following pollutants is responsible for the formation of smog in Delhi during winter months?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Sulfur dioxide
c. Nitrogen dioxide
d. Particulate matter

24. The Paris Agreement on climate change was adopted in which year?
a. 2013
b. 2014
c. 2015
d. 2016

25. The National Air Quality Index (NAQI) was launched in which year?
a. 2012
b. 2014
c. 2016
d. 2018

26. The Indian government’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) was launched in which year?
a. 2007
b. 2008
c. 2009
d. 2010

27. Which of the following is a commonly used method for controlling air pollution from industries?
a. Scrubbers
b. Activated carbon filtration
c. Chlorination
d. Sedimentation

28. The Wildlife Protection Act provides legal protection to which of the following species?
a. Endangered plants
b. Endangered animals
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

29. Which of the following is a commonly used method for controlling soil erosion?
a. Contour ploughing
b. Use of chemical fertilizers
c. Deforestation
d. Overgrazing

30. The Indian government’s National River Conservation Directorate is under which ministry?
a. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
b. Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
c. Ministry of Science and Technology
d. Ministry of Power

31. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established in which year?
a. 1985
b. 1990
c. 1995
d. 2000

32. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was signed in which year?
a. 1987
b. 1992
c. 1997
d. 2002

33. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) was established in which year?
a. 2010
b. 2011
c. 2012
d. 2013

34. Which of the following is a commonly used method for controlling indoor air pollution?
a. Use of air purifiers
b. Regular cleaning
c. Proper ventilation
d. All of the above

35. The National Biodiversity Act was enacted in which year?
a. 1995
b. 2000
c. 2005
d. 2010

36. Which of the following is a commonly used method for solid waste management?
a. Landfills
b. Incineration
c. Recycling
d. All of the above

37. The Wetland (Conservation and Management) Rules were first introduced in which year?
a. 1995
b. 2000
c. 2010
d. 2017

38. The National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC) was established in which year?
a. 2007
b. 2010
c. 2015
d. 2020

39. The National Clean Energy Fund was renamed as the National Clean Energy and Environment Fund in which year?
a. 2012
b. 2014
c. 2016
d. 2018

40. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in which year?
a. 2012
b. 2014
c. 2015
d. 2016

41. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas that is emitted by rice paddies?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Methane
c. Nitrous oxide
d. All of the above

42. Which of the following is a commonly used method for controlling water pollution from industries?
a. Coagulation-flocculation
b. Reverse osmosis
c. Ion exchange
d. All of the above

43. The National Wildlife Action Plan was launched in which year?
a. 1995
b. 2000
c. 2005
d. 2010

44. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched in which year?
a. 2012
b. 2014
c. 2016
d. 2018

45. The National Greenhouse Gas Inventory was first prepared in which year?
a. 1995
b. 2000
c. 2005
d. 2010

46. The National River Conservation Plan was launched in which year?
a. 1985
b. 1990
c. 1995
d. 2000

47. Which of the following is a commonly used method for controlling noise pollution?
a. Use of earplugs
b. Sound barriers
c. Noise insulation
d. All of the above

48. The Forest Rights Act was enacted in which year?
a. 2006
b. 2008
c. 2010
d. 2012

49. The National Wetland Atlas was released in which year?
a. 2000
b. 2005
c. 2010
d. 2015

50. The National Action Plan for Conservation of the Critically Endangered Species was launched in which year?
a. 2017
b. 2018
c. 2019
d. 2020

Answer key

1. c
2. a
3. d
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. c
9. b
10. d
11. b
12. d
13. a
14. b
15. c
16. b
17. c
18. d
19. a
20. b
21. d
22. c
23. b
24. c
25. a
26. b
27. d
28. c
29. a
30. d
31. b
32. b
33. c
34. d
35. d
36. d
37. b
38. b
39. b
40. c
41. b
42. d
43. a
44. b
45. a
46. a
47. d
48. b
49. d
50. b

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