Nuclear Chemistry Handwritten Notes PDF
CSIR UGC NTA NET Chemical Science / GATE Chemistry (CY) Nuclear Chemistry Handwritten Notes in Pdf format After Very Hardworking by contacting Toppers of GATE /NET we have…

Analysis of CSIR UGC NET Previous Question Papers (Unit-wise)
Year-wise comparisons of questions along with number of questions came are discussed... …

Eligibility Criteria: CSIR UGC NET Essential Educational Qualifications
Essential Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. or equivalent degree / Integrated BS-MS / BS-4 years / BE / B. Tech / B. Pharma / MBBS with at least 55% marks…

Phase Equilibria .PDF Assignment For CSIR UGC NET
PHASE_EQUILIBRIA Assignment In this post, We are providing Phase Equilibria Assignment For CSIR UGC NET and Practice Question Papers with Answer Keys(later on) for the Aspirants of CSIR-NET & GATE Exam.For CSIR…

Hand Written Notes On Polarography
Polarography is a type of voltammetry where the working electrode is a dropping mercury electrode (DME) or a static mercury drop electrode (SMDE), which are useful for their wide cathodic ranges and renewable surfaces. It was invented…

CSIR UGC NET Latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern Details
CSIR UGC NET June 2020 Exam will be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on 21st June 2020 for determining the eligibility of Indian Nationals for the…

Free Download Chemical Bonding Handwritten Notes Pdf
After Very Hardworking by contacting Toppers we have got Chemical Bonding Handwritten Notes Pdf. Here We Are Sharing Chemical Bonding Handwritten Notes in Pdf. Hurry Up! It’s Time…

Books Reference for CSIR-UGC-NET/GATE Chemistry
These are the reference books for CSIR UGC NET and GATE. Inorganic chemistry reference books for CSIR UGC NET and GATE These are the reference books for Chemical…

CSIR-UGC NET December 2019 Result Announced
The National Testing Agency has announced NTA NET Result 2019 for December examination…

CSIR UGC NET-Physical Chemistry Syllabus
1. Basic principles of quantum mechanics: Postulates; operator algebra; exactly- solvable systems: particle-in-a-box, harmonic oscillator and the hydrogen atom, including shapes of atomic orbitals; orbital and spin angular momenta;…

CSIR UGC NET-Organic Chemistry Syllabus
CSIR UGC NET-Organic Chemistry Syllabus 1. IUPAC nomenclature of organic molecules including regio- and stereoisomers. 2. Principles of stereochemistry: Configurational and conformational isomerism in acyclic and cyclic compounds; stereogenicity, stereoselectivity, enantioselectivity,…

CSIR UGC NET -Inorganic Chemistry Syllabus
1. Chemical periodicity 2. Structure and bonding in homo- and heteronuclear molecules, including shapes of molecules (VSEPR Theory). 3. Concepts of acids and bases, Hard-Soft acid base concept, Non-aqueous…

CSIR-UGC NET/JRF Life Sciences Study Materials
Download Notes for CSIR-UGC NET/JRF Life Sciences Preparation In this section, you’ll find direct links to the most important subject matter study notes, which have been organised for…