Methods of Chemical Analysis
Here is the most important list of methods used in chemical analysis (methods of chemical analysis). Methods of chemical analysis- Spectroscopy The study of how light and other…

The Periodic Table of Elements
The Periodic Table of Elements The elements are grouped in a tabular structure called the periodic table according to their chemical characteristics. The contemporary periodic table has 7…

Easy Postdoctoral Fellowships in India
Postdoctoral research is a crucial step for Ph.D. holders who want to gain more research experience in academia after a doctoral degree. The postdoctoral study also helps students…

Writing A Successful Research Project Proposal
Here you will get stepwise guidance to write your successful project proposal. …

(PDF) Physical States of Matter Class 9 Chemistry Notes IGCSE
FBISE QUESTION: Why do mountaineers carry with them pressure cooker? OR Why pressure cooker saves time in the kitchen? EXPLANATION: Pressure cooker is equipped with a valve that…

Useful journal list for Research paper publishers
Below is the list of SCI indexed journals in chemistry. 2D MaterialsAATCC ReviewAccounts of Chemical ResearchAccreditation and Quality AssuranceACS Applied Bio MaterialsACS Applied Electronic MaterialsACS CatalysisACS Central ScienceACS…

CSIR NET 2023: Response Sheet
The CSIR UGC NET (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test) is a highly competitive exam conducted annually to determine the eligibility…

Submitting Samples, charge for Analysis in SAIF Labs
The Department of Science and Technology (DST) is providing facilities of sophisticated analytical instruments to researchers through its Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facilities (SAIF) Programme so that the non-availability of these…

CSIR NET: Common FAQs and Guide
CSIR NET: Common FAQs and More Unraveling the Mysteries of CSIR NET: Common FAQs and More Are you planning to embark on a journey to crack the CSIR…

Educational loans: when and why?
Advantages of student loans Are you considering sending your child to college in India or abroad? In addition to delivering a number of other benefits that will ensure…