Junior Chemist & Technical Inspector Vacancy @ CCL

Junior Technical Inspector and Junior Chemist positions have been announced by Central Coalfields Limited (CCL). Candidates can read the notification and apply if they are interested in the details of the Job-opening and meet all eligibility requirements.

  • Starting Date to Apply Online: 26-08-2022
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 15-09-2022


Applications are invited for departmental selection to the post of Jr. Technical Inspector in T&S Grade-D and Jr. Chemist in T&S Grade-D from amongst the permanent employees of the Company to fill up the sanctioned vacancy as per the approved Manpower Budget for 2022-23.

Tentative Vacancy: The provision under the Manpower Budget for 2022-23 is an under:

SI.No.Post & Grade Categories wise vacancy
1.Jr. Chemist (T&S Grade-D)SanctionedExistingVacancyURSCST
2.Jr. Technical Inspector (T&S Grade-D)SanctionedExistingVacancyURSCST

Important Dates:

SI. No.Activity Dates
1Opening date for filling the application26.08.2022
2Cut-off date for the minimum qualification and eligibility26.08.2022
3Last date for receipt of duly filled application15.09.2022

Qualification and Eligibility criteria:

1.  Minimum qualification and eligibility criteria and mode of selection to the post of Jr. Chemist in T&S Grade-D and Jr. Technical Inspector in T&S Grade-O as per the Cadre Scheme dated 26.08.1985 is mentioned below:

vacancyMin. QualificationsEligibilityMode of selection
Jr. Chemist (T&S Grade-D)Graduate in Science with ChemistryAny permanent
workmen/employee of the
company with one year service.
Jr. Technical Inspector (T&S Grade-D)Graduate in Science with ChemistryAny permanent
workmen/employee of the
company with one year service.

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