MTSE Chemistry Mock Test-Boost Your Skills

Boost Your Chemistry Skills with a MTSE-Themed Chemistry Mock Test!

Are you a student aiming to excel not only in mathematics but also in chemistry? The Mathematics Talent Search Examination (MTSE) might be just the stepping stone you need. MTSE, designed for students in classes 7 to 10, assesses your mathematical prowess. But, did you know that it can also be a catalyst for improving your skills in other subjects, such as chemistry?

Unlocking Potential Beyond Math:
The MTSE isn’t limited to mathematics alone. It’s a versatile platform that nurtures talent in various fields. If your child is gearing up for the MTSE, they might discover untapped potential in chemistry. This is where our chemistry-themed mock test comes into play.

The Chemistry Mock Test:
Our specially crafted Chemistry Mock Test is designed to complement the MTSE experience. It contains multiple-choice questions related to the fundamental principles of chemistry. By taking this test, your child can not only enhance their chemistry knowledge but also get a feel for competitive exams.

Why Take the Chemistry Mock Test:

  1. Assess Chemistry Proficiency: Evaluate your child’s chemistry skills and identify areas that need improvement.
  2. Prepare for Competitive Exams: Practice is the key to success in competitive tests. This mock test provides a taste of what to expect.
  3. Boost Confidence: Aspiring scientists and mathematicians often need to excel in multiple subjects. Gaining confidence in chemistry can open doors to a world of possibilities.

Moreover, success in the MTSE could lead to scholarships and access to courses designed for other competitive exams. It’s a win-win opportunity!

Total duration of the examination is 180 Min
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1. Directions: Choose the best option to fill in the blank.

The door was opened and a gust of warm air ___________ us.


2. Which of the following is one of the fundamental characters of chordates?


3. If the frequency of a dominant phenotype in a stable population is 75%, then the frequency of recessive allele will be



If in a certain code, MADRAS can be written as ARSMDA, then how will ARKONAM be written in that code?


5. A person travels along a straight road for the first half-length with a constant speed v1 and the second half-length with a constant speed v2. The average speed v is


6. Directions: Answer the question based on the following information.

In a family of 6, there are 3 men (X, Y and Z) and 3 women (A, B and C). These six are in different professions viz. architect, lawyer, chartered accountant (CA), professor, doctor and engineer, but not in the same order.

I. There are two married couples and 2 unmarried persons.
II. Z is not A’s husband.
III. The doctor is married to the lawyer.
IV. A’s father is a professor.
V. Y is neither X’s son nor is he an architect nor a professor.
VI. The lawyer is C’s daughter-in-law.
VII. X is married to the chartered accountant (CA).

Who is the architect?


7. If A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 and so on, how will you write the word BONE according to this code?


8. Directions:  Find the odd one out from the given options.


9. The totally dark part of the shadow is called


10. Directions: The word pair given in the question has a certain relationship. Select a word pair from the answer choices having the same relationship.

Summer : Heat


11. During depolarisation, permeability of neuron increases towards


12. The kinetic energy of a body becomes four times its initial value while travelling along a straight line. The new momentum will be


13. If ‘HOLDER’ is coded as ‘DLOHER’, how will ‘CLERKS’ be coded?


14. In a certain code, ‘MPN’ means ‘Lake is Blue’, ‘OMR’ means ‘Blue Big Bright’ and ‘KRN’ means ‘Moon is Bright’. Which code in that language stands for ‘Big’?


15. Directions: Read the following information and answer the given question.

‘A + B’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’.
‘A X
B’ means ‘A is the son of B’.
‘A – B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’.

If the relation between Z, T, S, U and B is indicated by Z X
T – S X U + B, then how is U related to Z?


16. What is the shape of a water molecule?


17. A ball is thrown upwards with a velocity v. It attains a height of 50 m and comes back to the thrower. Choose the correct statement. (g = 10 m/s2)


18. Directions: Choose the best option to fill in the blank.

The door was opened and a gust of warm air ___________ us.


19. Directions: Read the following information and answer the given question.

A cube is coloured red on all of its faces. It is then cut into 64 smaller cubes of equal size. The smaller cubes obtained are now separated.

How many smaller cubes have no coloured face?


20. What is the common name of bleaching powder?


21. Which of the following birds is correctly matched with its type of bill?


22. If a man approaches a plane mirror at the rate of 2 km/hr, then his image would approach him at the rate of



Directions: In the following question, a number series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern in the given series.

3, 6, 12, 24, 48, ____


24. Directions: In the following question, there is a relationship between the two terms to the left of (: 🙂 and the same relationship holds true for the two terms to its right, of which one is missing. One of the four given options contains the missing term. Identify the correct option.

AG : HB : : MT : ?


25. In a forest, the following 4-step food chain operates:

Grass > Insect > Frog > Bird

Which of the following organisms can be classified as a primary carnivore on the basis of this food chain?


26. If in a certain code, DELHI can be written as CCIDD, then how will BOMBAY be written in that code?


27. Directions: Arrange the given words as in the dictionary and indicate the one that comes in the middle.

1. Electric
2. Elector
3. Elect
4. Electrode
5. Electron


28. A kitten was trying to find its mother. It was facing East and walked 10 m. It then turned South and walked another 10 m. After that, it started walking towards North and walked 20 m. It then turned West and walked 10 m. Then, it turned South and walked 2 m. In which direction and how far was it with respect to the original position?


29. Directions: The word pair given in the following question has a certain relationship. Select from the answer choices a word pair having the same relationship.

Honesty : Cheating


30. In a certain code, POETRY is written as QONDSQX and OVER is written as PNUDQ. How is MORE written in that language?


31. How many isomers are possible for an alkane having molecular formula C6H14?


32. Which among the following is not a periodic property?


33. A cross between hybrid and either parent is called


34. Preeti started for her office. She moved 1 km southwards and turned left. She covered 400 m and turned left again. She moved 1 km and then turned right. She moved 510 m towards right and reached her office. How much is the distance between her house and her office?


35. A 20 kg monkey slides down a vertical rope with a constant acceleration of 7.0 ms-2. If g = 10 NKg-1, the tension in the rope will be


36. Directions: In the following question, there is a relationship between the number pair to the left of : : and the same relationship holds between the number pair to its right. One term is missing. One of the four given options contains the missing term. Identify the correct option.

13 : 17 : : 25 : ?


37. If PAPER = 51 and FILE = 28, then LETTER = _____.


38. Directions: In the following question, there is a relationship between the two terms to the left of (: 🙂 and the same relationship holds true for the two terms to its right. One term is missing. One of the four given options contains the missing term. Identify the correct option.

ABE : FGJ : : MNQ : ___


39. At what height above the surface of the earth, the value of acceleration due to gravity would be half of its value on the surface of the earth? (Radius of the earth is 6400 Km)


40. The door of a running refrigerator inside a closed room was left open. Which of the following observations will be seen?


41. Which among the following pairs of shells has least energy difference between two adjacent orbits?


42. Directions: In the following question, there is a relationship between the number pair to the left of : : and the same relationship holds between the number pair to its right. One term is missing. One of the four given options contains the missing term. Identify the correct option.

8 : 18 : : 9 : ?


43. Under which of the following conditions the production of urine per day increases?


44. Two spheres of the same size are made of the same metal, but one is hollow and the other is solid. They are heated to the same temperature. What will happen?


45. Directions: A cube is coloured red on two opposite faces, blue on two adjacent faces and yellow on two remaining faces. It is then cut into two halves along the plane parallel to the red faces. One piece is then cut into four equal cubes and the other one into 32 equal cubes.

How many cubes do not have any red face?


46. Which of the following is the biggest unit of energy?


47. Atoms of an element differ from atoms of all the other elements in


48. What will happen when a metal object is placed between the cathode and the anode in a discharge tube?


49. In a certain code language, BORN is written as APQON and LACK is written as KBBLK. How will the word GRID be written in that code language?


50. Directions: Select the option that represents the same relationship as in the given pair.

Patriotism : Citizens



Directions: In the following question, a letter series is given with one or more terms missing. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the series in the same pattern.

Z, A, Y, B, X, C, W, D, V, E, __, __


52. Which beak is adapted as short, thick and conical for cracking seeds?


53. Which of the following is not an acidic salt?


54. Bells are made of metal and not of wood, because


55. Directions: Arrange the given words as in a dictionary and tick the one that comes fourth.

1. Antecedent
2. Antibiotic
3. Antelope
4. Anthropology
5. Anthrax


56. Which of the following molecules possess incomplete octet?


57. A food chain will not begin in the absence of


58. Nucleus was discovered by…. (Biology)


59. If at a place, the speed of a sound wave of frequency 300 Hz is v, then the speed of another wave of frequency 150 Hz at the same place is


60. Directions: Arrange the given words as in the dictionary and indicate the one that comes fourth.


61. The size of a cell depends upon


62. If × means +, – means x, ÷ means –, and + means ÷

then what is the value of 18 – 3 × 8 ÷ 27 + 9?


63. Directions: Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern in the given series.

3, ___, 15, 31, 63, 127


64. As we go from the equator to the poles, the value of g


65. Escherichia coli (K12 strain, an inhabitant of intestine) is widely used in genetic research because it is


66. What is the pH of acid rain?


67. Gypsum is added to cement clinker to


68. The ultimate source of organic variation is


69. Which of the following cannot be used to extract a metal from its ore?


70. Directions: In the following question, there is a relationship between the two terms on the left of the sign (: :). The same relationship exists between the two terms on its right, of which one is missing. Find the missing term from the given options.

4 : 60 : : 5 : ___


Question 1 of 70

MTSE 2023 or Maths Talent Search Examination is conducted by the Indian Institute for Studies in Mathematics (IISMA) for the students of Class III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX. So, the students who are interested in the exam can do the Registration online. The MTSE 2023 will be an online test. The paper will consist of 35 multiple choice objective questions. These questions will have to be answered in 60 minutes on the Online Test platform from home with a webcam-enabled device. To get more details about the Maths Talent Search Exam 2023 registration, eligibility criteria, exam dates, syllabus, merit list, awards, etc, read the complete article.

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MTSE 2023 Exam Status
The candidates who are interested in participating in the IISMA MTSE 2023 exam must check the latest updates about the events.

MTSE 2021 Exam Status
Merit List MTSE 2023 To be Released
MTSE 2023 Important Dates

The candidates who have applied for the Maths Talent Search Exam 2023 can check the important dates of the exam. The Indian Institute for Studies in Mathematics will announce the exam dates of MTSE. However, candidates can check the tentative dates of the exam from the table given below:

Last Date for Registration30 Apr 2023
Admit Card Available from10 days before the exam
Exam Date16 May 2023
Result Date01 Jun 2023
Downloading of mark sheet and certificates30 Jun 2023
Table: Schedule of MTSE

MTSE 2023 Registration
The Maths Talent Search Examination (MTSE) is a competitive examination conducted at various levels by the Indian Institute for Studies in Mathematics (IISMA).

Interested candidates can fill the MTSE Application Form 2023 online.
Aspirants are advised to fill all the correct details in the form.
No multiple forms should be submitted as it will lead to the cancellation of candidature from the exam.
Login details should be kept safely as it will be used for further communication.
Once the form is filled, get the printout of it for future use.
How to Apply for Mathes Talent Search Exam 2023?
The application form of MTSE will be available online. Candidates can follow the steps given below to apply for the Maths Talent Search Exam through online mode:

Initially, the applicants must visit the website of the Indian Institute for Studies in Mathematics (IISMA).
Here the candidates will have to click on the link “MTSE 2023 Registration”
Enter all the details like personal details, contact information, email ID, etc.
On successful registration, the candidates will receive a user name and password to log in for the application form.
Now using the user name and password the candidates must log in. The application form page will open on the screen.
Then the applicants will have to fill in all the details in the application form like name, academic details, contact number, etc.
After that upload the photograph and signature in the prescribed format.
Finally, click on pay registration fees. Candidates can make the fee payment online through various payment gateways.
On successful completion of the fee payment, the candidates must click on the “Submit” application form.
All candidates must take a printout of one or two copies of the application form for future purposes.

MTSE 2023 Application Fee

The application fee for all candidates applying for MTSE will be Rs. 250/-
Applicants can pay the registration fees online through Net Banking/ Debit/ Credit card.
MTSE 2023 Eligibility Criteria
The candidates who are applying for the Maths Talent Search Examination conducted by IISMA must check the minimum eligibility criteria. The officials will not accept the application form from the candidates who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria. The minimum eligibility requirements for the Maths Talent Search Exam is given below:

MTSE is a talent search exam in which candidates from all categories can participate.
Any student studying in Class III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX under any educational board is eligible to appear for MTSE.
A student can appear only for the class in which he/she is studying during the academic year.

MTSE 2023 Exam Pattern

The focus of this exam is on mathematical reasoning, mental ability, novel approach, concepts, accuracy, and speed. The winners of this talent search exam are awarded cash prizes and certificates by the IISMA. This exam is to determine the eligibility of the students for higher studies in mathematics by broadening their knowledge of various mathematical concepts. The candidates who have applied for the Maths Talent Search Exam must prepare for the test as per the syllabus and exam pattern. The exam pattern of the MTSE exam is given below:

MTSE 2023 Syllabus

The MTSE is open to students in classes three through nine. Therefore, each applicant must review the table below for the MTSE 2023 Syllabus:

Class 3Class 4Class 5
Number Sequence up to 1000Arithmetic Operations Mathematical Expressions Fractions Measurement Currency Length Weight Volume Time Geometrical Concepts.Number Sequence up to five digits Roman Numerals Divisibility Arithmetic Operations, Mathematical Expressions Brackets Fractions and Decimals Measurement Currency Length Weight Volume Time Angles Geometrical Concepts.Number Sequence up to nine digits Roman Numerals Divisibility Arithmetic Operations Mathematical Expressions Brackets, GCD and LCM Fractions and Decimals Average, Profit and Loss Percentage Interest, Measurement, Currency, Length, Weight, Volume and Area Time, Distance and Speed Angles Circles Geometrical Concepts
Class 6Class 7
IntegersRoman NumeralsDivisibilityArithmetic OperationsMathematical ExpressionsBracketsIndicesRatio and ProportionGCD and LCMFractions and DecimalsAverageProfit and LossPercentage, InterestMeasurementCurrencyLength, Weight, Volume, and AreaTime, Distance and SpeedAngles, Circles, TrianglesConstructionGeometrical ConceptsGraphs.Rational NumbersRoman NumeralsDivisibilityArithmetic OperationsMathematical ExpressionsBrackets, IndicesVariationGCD and LCMFractions and DecimalsPythagoras TheoremAverage, Profit and Loss, Percentage, Interest,Measurement, Currency, Length and Weight; Volume Area and Surface AreaTime, Distance and SpeedAngles, Circles, Triangles, Quadrilateralssymmetry, CongruenceConstruction, Geometrical Concepts, Graphs.
Class 8Class 9
Real Numbers Divisibility Arithmetic OperationsMathematical Expressions Brackets Indices, Variation GCD and LCM Fractions and Decimals Pythagoras Theorem Simultaneous Equation Quadratic Equation Average, Profit and Loss, Percentage, Compound Interest Measurement, Length, and Weight; Volume, Area, and Surface Area Time, Distance and Speed Banking Angles, Circles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals Symmetry, Similarity, and Congruence Construction Coordinate Geometry Geometrical Concept Statistics Graphs.Real Numbers Surds Sets Divisibility Arithmetic Operations Mathematical Expressions, Brackets, Indices, Variation GCD and LCM Fractions and Decimals Pythagoras Theorem Polynomials Simultaneous Equation, Quadratic Equation, Average, Profit and Loss, Percentage, Compound Interest Measurement, Length and Weight, Volume, Area and Surface Area Volume, Area, and Surface Area Banking and Transactions Trigonometry Angles, Triangles, Circles, Quadrilaterals, Parallelogram, Symmetry Statistics Similarity and Congruence, Construction, Graphs, Co-ordinate Geometry, Geometrical Concepts

The certificates will be available for download once the result is announced. Students are requested to keep checking this site periodically.
Candidates can save a copy of the MTSE Result 2023 for any future references.
If a student desires to get his/her marks reassessed, an online application in this regard shall be made available along with a screenshot for payment of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) towards Verification Fee.
Photocopy of the answer sheet and model answer key will be made available after verification.
Applications received after the specified date will not be entertained. The decision of IISMA in this matter shall be final and binding.

MTSE 2023 Merit List

Once the examination is over the conducting authority will release the MTSE Merit List 2023 on its website.

Candidates can check their merit list online through the link given in this article.
The merit list will display the ranks of the candidates.
Those candidates whose names are there in the merit list are eligible to receive cash prizes and awards.
MTSE 2023 Awards and Prizes
The following awards and prizes are given to the winners of the Maths Talent Search Exam:

MTSE 202X Awards and Prizes

The following awards and prizes are given to the winners of the Maths Talent Search Exam:

RankPrize Value
1stRs. 2500
2ndRs. 2000
3rdRs. 1500
4thRs. 1250
5thRs. 1000
6th to 10thRs. 750 each
11th to 20thRs. 400 each
21st to 35thRs. 300 each
36th to 50thRs. 250 each
Rank-wise prize details of MTSE

MTSE 2023 Highlights

MTSE 202X Highlights

Name of the examMaths Talent Search Exam 202X
Short FormMTSE 2023
Conducting AuthorityIndian Institute for Studies of Mathematics (IISMA) 
Purpose of the ExamTo identify and also inspire and reward the talented young students from classes 3 to 9 from various schools by awarding prizes. 
Application FormOnline
Level of the ExamNational Exam


The IISMA, or Indian Institute for Studies in Mathematics, is a group devoted to raising the standard of mathematics education at all levels. Founded in October 2004 is IISMA. IISMA is holding a Maths Talent Search Examination, often known as the MTSE, for students in classes III through IX in both English and Marathi to assess their comprehension of mathematical ideas and to prepare them for competitive tests. Team IISMA sincerely requests your assistance in its mission to recognise and encourage young people’s mathematical potential.

Here we are providing MTSE Mock test free, and no login required.

QUESTION: Select the option that represents the same relationship as in the given pair.

Patriotism : Citizens

  • (A) Homage : Martyrs
  • (B) Concentration : StudentsCorrect Answer
  • (C) Character : Values
  • (D) Morality : Truthfulness

In Conclusion:
The MTSE isn’t just a math exam; it’s a journey of self-discovery and potential realization. So, whether you’re aiming to shine in mathematics or explore the wonders of chemistry, take the Chemistry Mock Test and embark on a path to success that extends beyond numbers and equations. Good luck in your academic journey!

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