Here we are posting some study material of Chemical Engineering in the hope this study material will help GATE / PSUs aspirants. Please find study material of all the subject related to Chemical Engineering stream. We are Subjected to increasing the number of topics and more study material. We are trying our level best to help you all.
S. No. | Subjects |
1. |
Engineering Mathematics |
2. |
Process Calculations |
3. |
Thermodynamics |
4. |
Fluid Mechanics |
5. |
Mechanical Operations |
6. |
Heat Transfer |
7. |
Mass Transfer |
8. |
Chemical Reaction Engineering |
9. |
Plant Design and Economics |
10. |
Chemical Technology |
11. |
Instrumentation and Process Control |
Above provided study material is completely free for You. If you find these study material useful and want to join these coaching institutes whose study material we have provided here, you may refer their official website for more information & guidance related to GATE/IES/PSUs courses.
Can't download mechanical operation notes
Hope you can look into it