Powers and duties of officers and employees
Powers, Functions and responsibilities of the Director
Director is the Executive Head of the Laboratory. The responsibilities of director are
Realizing the mission of the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow
Creating an environment in CDRI conducive to nurturing of innovation and productive research in support of the mission of the institute.
Managing the affairs of the institute as per the decisions of the Research and Management Council.
Director shall in all matters have powers delegated to him by the Governing Body of CSIR. [Ref : Rule 53 A of CSIR Rules & Regulations and Bye-laws]
Bye-laws further provide for delegation of powers to other officers / functionaries subordinate to Director.
Duties of a Scientist (One or many of these depending upon the need and level)
1.Conceive, plan, initiate and execute research that is consistent with the mission of CDRI
2.Participate in the professional activities that promote sciences in general, and biomedical sciences in particular, including dissemination of knowledge, protection of IPR, etc.
3.Attend to the tasks as assigned in support of the mission of the institute.
4.Create healthy and ethical atmosphere that promotes research in the areas related to the mission of the institute.
Duties of the Controller of Administration, Controller of Finance and Accounts & Stores and Purchase Officer
Director, CDRI is assisted by a Controller of Administration, Controller of Finance and Accounts/ Finance & Accounts Officer and Controller of Stores & Purchase/ Stores & Purchase Officer who advise the Director on all administrative and financial matters and be responsible for providing support services to all the scientific staff and bench level scientists. Director has the power to over-rule the advice of aforesaid functionaries.